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[哈啦閒聊] 《一個母親無條件的愛》

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[哈啦閒聊] 《一個母親無條件的愛》


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    • 小蟹
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    本帖最後由 小蟹 於 2024-9-1 19:56 編輯

    "即使是一句題目也可以渗透整個宇宙。更何况是唱着充滿誠心和決意的大量題目前進。” —池田先生
    這是一個偉大的母親 秉持着堅韌的信心,竭盡全力為她兒子付出”無條件的愛” —感人肺腑的體驗。
    在醫院時 這位婦人部就發現她剛出生的男寶寶喝奶不多。每每其他寶寶的奶都喝完了,而她寶寶的奶瓶還是滿的,她就向護士查問,護士回答她說:「阿嫂,這是因爲你 兒子的舌頭太短了!」護士這一句話就有如一支針狠狠的刺痛了她的心,這意味着她剛出生的兒子將會是個啞巴。
    當她出院帶著小寶寶回家後,把嬰兒包巾解開,她簡直驚呆了!她發現她的兒子是”嚴重殘疾”的!他的手和脚扭曲在一起,手指和脚趾有如用膠水“黏”住一 般,分也分不開,他的脊骨有如垮了般,半邊的身體都是扭曲的、手臂都貼着他的身體、雙手也抬不過頭部,他的頭也一直彎向他的右肩。除此之外,他還患有神經、肌肉和骨骼方面的病症。醫生說這是非常罕見的疾病。那時新加坡只有兩個這樣的病例,其中一個已經去世了。當下醫生對這位婦人部的寶寶能否生存下來,也没有太大的希望和把握 ~就算活下來,必须终身坐輪椅、未來也必须進入遲鈍學校。
    有一個這樣的小孩,她說她感到很羞愧。為什麼會是她?她究竟做了什麼?竟然有如此的報應發生在她的身上?别人會怎麼說、怎麼看她呢?......她修行日蓮佛法 勤於唱題,為什麼却擁有這樣一個不正常的孩子!她將如何去面對那些她曾熱心鼓勵過的會友和朋友們?還說服他們說唱題能够改善每一個人的生活。
    於是她開始唱題祈求 她這個兒子能够安祥的離世。同時她也没有告訴任何人說她有一個異於常人的小孩, 當會友和朋友們來探望她和她剛出生的兒子時,她就用布把她的寶寶包裹得密密的,不想讓人察覺、懷疑她的寶寶有何異樣。
    有一天,她寫信給池田先生,要求 池田先生為她的初生兒取名。但是她没提及她的寶寶有殘疾的問題,兩週后,她欣喜地收到池田先生的回信。原本期待池田先生會回一封更多鼓勵的信,但是信裡面只有三個中文字:
    1、我要寶寶的舌頭逐漸伸展,我要他可以正確的說話,他說出的第一句話可以不是媽媽或爸爸,但,一定要是Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (通過大量的題目目祈求,她的寶寶開始說出Nam, 然后Nam Myo, 慢慢的Nam Myoho, 最后竟能說出完整的題目!)
    2、我要他的手指不再黏在一起, 一根一根的分開,手腕也不再扭曲,他就可以用他的手寫出Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo。
    通過無數次充滿決意、堅定的題目以及鎖定以上目標,勇敢的向御本尊祈求,所有的目標都一一回應了。不久之後,她想應該找個這一門的專家看看能否给予他兒子醫療上的 幫助。
    於是,她開始祈求一定能够找到一位有[佛智慧]的專家來幫她兒子進行一次絕對成功的手術(非常複雜的)。有一天,很不可思議的,有一個人走到她身邊向她介绍一 位這一門的專家!
    這是我盡我的可能,準確的提供關於這位婦人部的體驗。我覺得得,更有意義、更值得我們學習的是這位婦人部的忍耐力及對御本尊持續堅定的決心和信念。雖然我無法描述當時她究竟忍受了有多少痛苦和委屈,她如何控制她的情绪,以及她强忍着淚水 堅韌的精神。但,我相信這個鼓舞人心的體驗,一定能够激發我們對大聖人佛法堅定的確信,用信心去克服人生中所遇到的種種障礙和問題。
    Kuang Ming & Aunty Ya Mei
    “Even one daimoku can permeate the entire universe. How much greater then is daimoku’s capacity to move anything when it is chanted with sincerity and determination….
    ~ Daisaku Ikeda ~
    This is a testimony of unconditional love - a devoted mother with great faith. I actually heard this testimony some years back. Today I heard it for the second time.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her agonizing struggles. It was a detailed two hours testimony but I try to keep it short here.
    Oh Ya Mei is a woman division leader. She has a loving husband and two wonderful children. Her struggles started when she had her 3rd child – a baby boy.
    While in the hospital, she noticed her baby boy was not drinking much milk, the other babies had all finished their milk but her baby’s bottle was still full. On the 2nd day she asked the nurse and the nurse casually replied, “ Ah Soh, your baby tongue is too short!” She said that remark instantly pricked her heart, it was as if someone has said that her son was mute.
    When she finally brought the baby home and for the first time unwrapped the cloth and towel around him, she was stunned! He had severe disability! His hands and feet were badly twisted  and his fingers/toes were ‘glued’ tightly together, he was not able to spread his fingers/toes. His backbone was collapsing all over him and half of his body was twisted. His upper arms were sealed/attached to his body, he could not lift his arms over his head. His head was constantly bent over the right side of his shoulders. Besides, he had some serious nerve, muscle and bone disease. The doctor said that this particular disease is very rare, at that point of time there were only two in Singapore and the other one had died. The doctor did not have much hope that this baby would survive. Even if he survive, he must be in a wheelchair for life and must enter a dull school.
    She said she felt ashamed to have such a baby. Why her? What had she done to deserve such a fate? What would others say … that she chanted and yet had such a baby! How could she face people whom she had so enthusiastically asked to chant for a better life? She said she started chanting for her son to have a quick and painless death. In the meantime she did not tell anyone about it, when members and friends came over, the baby was well- wrapped up. No one suspected anything.
    Then one day she wrote to Ikeda sensei to ask sensei to choose a name for her son. However she did not mention a thing about the disability of her baby. Within 2 weeks she received a letter from Ikeda sensei. She had expected a more wordy letter but there were only three Chinese characters:
    Zhen  (real/absolute)
    Guang (light)
    Ming (radiant/brilliant)
    So the meaning of the name means an ‘absolute radiant light.’ She said the moment she read these three words, she felt as if a surge of a glowing beam of light has emerged out of her! From that moment she made a commitment to chant for 20 years for her son to be normal.
    “When your determination changes, everything will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fibre in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success.”
    ~ Daisaku Ikeda ~
    She started chanting 8 hours daily. She had to sacrifice her TV time, her favourite dramas and chant till 2 to 3 am daily. Her prayers are very focused:
    1. I want his tongue to be longer/extended,for him to speak properly and the first few words that he will speak are not mummy or daddy but Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (after a few millions of chant he did, Starting with Nam to Nam Myo to Nam Myoho
    and eventually the whole phrase!)
    2.  I want him to be able to spread his fingers and that his wrist will not be twisted so that he could write Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
    3. I want him to be able to spread his toes and his ankle will not be twisted so that he could walk for kosen-rufu.
    4. I want him to be able to walk straight and his body will not be twisted, because his body is like the embodiment of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
    5. I want his head to be lifted up so he could be a proof of the vow/power of Nam Myoho Renge  Kyo.
    There are many more such focused and determined prayers like these. All prayers are answered. Much later on, she wanted to find a specialist for him to work on other areas that needed some specific medical expertise so she chanted for a specialist to have Buddha’s wisdom to conduct a successful (highly complicated) surgery for her son. One day someone just walked up to her and introduced a specialist to her!
    Now he has grown into a charming young man with no sign of previous disability. He is a handsome boy (32 year-old) and he looks like a Korean movie actor! He is an active member of SGI young men division and now he already come out to work in society.
    I try to be as accurate as I can but more significantly here is her enduring determination and persevering faith. Though I cannot depict the intensity of her agony, her emotions, the strength of her spirit and the tears in her eyes, I believe we can take a piece of this inspiring story of faith to continue with staunch determination to overcome any obstacles we have.
    #新加坡创价学会 #SSA
         From Choo Choo Ong



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    hsw  在2024-9-1 20:01  送朵鮮花  並說:我非常同意你的觀點,送朵鮮花鼓勵一下
    因果真的存在,而且便隨在每個人的左右,因我曾想過在我還在牛肉麵店時,煮麵的瓦斯管若漏氣怎麼辦... 這想就是"因"

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    因果真的存在,而且便隨在每個人的左右,因我曾想過在我還在牛肉麵店時,煮麵的瓦斯管若漏氣怎麼辦... 這想就是"因"
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